Wednesday 28 November 2012

Here goes nothing...

I love reading more than doing almost anything else.  More than watching TV or movies, or playing computer games (all things I love) but I don't do it enough.  With a one-year-old craving my attention most times of the day when she finally goes down to sleep I don't often choose to do something that requires effort.
While I love reading, it requires a fair amount of effort for me.  It doesn't come naturally and I can end up stuck in a book for ages (sometimes this is a good thing, sometimes not.)
So, here's the deal:  I will read two books a month, starting this December 2012, one fiction one non-fiction.  The idea is to provide myself with a balanced reading life at the same time as increasing my writing skills and providing a certain amount of entertaining blogginess.

This month's fiction novel of choice will be Froi of the Exiles by Melina Marchetta.  It's been sitting on a shelf for a year and two weeks (I know this because my Mum bought it for me just before my daughter was born.  I had planned to read it while breastfeeding but breastfeeding was very tricky and Froi is very very chunky.  I'm a few pages in and feeling a bit lost as it was a long time since I read Finnikin of the Rock, but hopefully I will catch up soon because I'm not about to go back and re-read Finnikin.
Review Due: 1 January 2013
This month's non-fiction book will be Apocalypse Now and Then: Reading Revelation Today by Paul Barnett.  Revelation isn't one of those books of the bible I feel comfortable reading on my own.  I'm hoping though that in the future I will be able to because once I'm done reading this book I will have a deeper understanding and be able to decode the passages for myself (a big ask, but it's worth a try.)
Review Due: 1 January 2013


  1. I love your commitment to a new reading lifestyle. Sometimes I get stuck on a book. Always have had that problem come up for me. Well. I really would ask two old are you? And if you don't succeed at 2 a month will you be hard on yourself?

    1. I'm 26 and what do you mean don't succeed???? There is no room for failure! So, I guess yes, I will be hard on myself but I'm hoping I won't have to be. I really want the experience to stay positive (fingers crossed) as I'm more likely to succeed that way.
